18/Apr/2023 14:00 - 16:30

lang-IT-EN Povo 2, Floor 0 - entrance

Ph.D. Poster Session

The PhD Students from IECS Doctoral School and Doctorate Programme in Industrial Innovation will showcase their research projects and will answer the questions of the participants.

Doctoral Program in Information Engineering and Computer Science – IECS

1. Elia Cunegatti
Large-scale multi-objective influence maximisation with network downscaling

Cycle 38
Finding the most influential nodes in a network is a computationally hard problem with several possible applications in various kinds of network-based problems. Here, we propose an original method, based on network downscaling, that allows a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to solve the IM problem on a reduced scale network, while preserving the relevant properties of the original network. The downscaled solution is then upscaled to the original network, using a mechanism based on centrality metrics. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with a more than 10-fold runtime gain compared to the time needed on the original network.
See the poster

2. Giovanni De Toni
User-Aware Algorithmic Recourse with Preference Elicitation

Cycle 37
A counterfactual intervention is a powerful tool which can explain black-box model decisions and enable algorithmic recourse. They are sequences of actions that, if performed by users, can overturn an unfavourable decision made by a machine learning model. Current methods provide interventions without considering the user’s preferences. We propose the first human-in-the-loop approach to perform algorithmic recourse by presenting a novel formalization following the preference elicitation theory.
See the poster

3. Desta Gebre Gebremedhin
HPC-based data science and learning environment for the analysis of unstructured grid data in the climate change domain

Cycle 37
Aims at developing a HPC-based data science and learning environment for climate change, with a specific focus on challenges regarding unstructured grid models which provide stronger flexibility to climate modelers. Data-driven/deep learning algorithms, big data concepts and HPC infrastructure are going to be used to create an integrated environment to analyse large volumes of unstructured climate datasets.
See the poster

4. Mir Hassan
Federated Learning on the Edge: A scalable and efficient platform using Kubernetes and Docker for smart distributed systems

Cycle 38
Edge Computing platforms have become increasingly important for enabling smart distributed systems, such as smart cities or buildings and intelligent transportation systems. As a decentralized machine learning approach, Federated learning is a promising solution for training models on edge devices while preserving data privacy. We propose an edge computing platform for federated learning based on Kubernetes and Docker, enabling efficient communication and computation optimization among edge devices. Our proposed platform includes a privacy-preserving mechanism to protect sensitive data during training. We will evaluate the performance of our proposed platform through experiments on a real-world dataset and compare it with existing solutions.
See the poster

5. Mingxuan Liu
Class-incremental Novel Class Discovery

Cycle 38
Class-incremental Novel Class Discovery (class-iNCD), which refers to the problem of discovering novel categories in an unlabelled data set by leveraging a pre-trained model that has been trained on a labelled data set containing disjoint yet related categories. Apart from discovering novel classes, we also aim at preserving the ability of the model to recognize previously seen base categories.
See the poster

6. Emanuele Marconato
Neuro-Symbolic Continual Learning: Knowledge, Reasoning Shortcuts and Concept Rehearsal

National PhD in Artificial Intelligence – Cylce 37
We introduce Neuro-Symbolic Continual Learning, where a model has to solve a sequence of neuro-symbolic tasks, that is, it has to map sub-symbolic inputs to high-level concepts and compute predictions by reasoning consistently with prior knowledge. Our key observation is that neuro-symbolic tasks, although different, often share concepts whose semantics remain stable over time. Traditional approaches fall short: existing continual strategies ignore knowledge altogether, while stock neuro-symbolic architectures suffer from catastrophic forgetting. We show that leveraging prior knowledge by combining neuro-symbolic architectures with continual strategies does help avoid catastrophic forgetting, but also that doing so can yield models affected by reasoning shortcuts. These undermine the semantics of the acquired concepts, even when detailed prior knowledge is provided upfront and inference is exact, and in turn continual performance. To overcome these issues, we introduce COOL, a COncept-level cOntinual Learning strategy tailored for neuro-symbolic continual problems that acquires high-quality concepts and remembers them over time. Our experiments on three novel benchmarks highlights how COOL attains sustained high performance on neuro-symbolic continual learning tasks in which other strategies fail.
See the poster

7. Giulia Martinelli
MoMa: Motion retargeting using Masked pose modeling

Cycle 37
Human motion modelling aims at understanding and replicating human kinematics. By masking certain body parts or specific motions, it is possible to isolate and focus on the critical aspects of human behaviours. We present a novel approach for motion retargeting, which aims to transfer the movements from a source skeleton to a target one in a different format. We then discuss its potential in many fields, such as healthcare, video surveillance, sports, gaming, and virtual reality.
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8. Sara Papi
Simultaneous Speech Translation: Leveraging Neural Models for Efficient Cross-Language Communication

Cycle 38
Simultaneous speech translation is the process of real-time translation of spoken language into another language, enabling cross-language communication. This technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the development of advanced models which, however, still face the main challenge of providing accurate but fast translations. My research aims to fill this gap, by proposing new strategies that leverage the knowledge already acquired by neural models to reduce their latency.
See the poster

9. Ranindya Paramitha
Technical leverage analysis in the Python ecosystem

Cycle 37
Technical leverage is the ratio between dependencies and own codes of a software package. We aim to analyze the Python ecosystem by using this metric. We collect a dataset of the top 21,205 Python package versions and used some innovative approaches for its analysis. Our result shows that Python packages ship a lot of other people’s code and tend to keep doing so. On security, the chance of getting a safe package version is actually better than what previous research has reported.
See the poster

10. Giuseppe Spallitta
Efficient SMT-based Weighted Model Integration for AI verification

Cycle 36
Developing efficient algorithms for AI verification is a long-standing goal of AI research. To this extent, we propose a framework that combines SMT-based enumeration (an efficient technique in formal verification) and Weighted Model Integration (an extension of Weighted Model Counting) to efficiently perform probabilistic inference on hybrid models. Additionally, we showcase its application in real-world scenarios, such as safety checking of probabilistic programs.
See the poster

Doctorate Program in Industrial Innovation – IID

11. Alessandro Bonfiglio
Inertial Measurement Unit calibration methods for the wrist joint: Which one should I use?

Cycle 37
This work assesses the accuracy and precision of static and dynamic IMU calibration techniques against a gold-standard camera system for the wrist joint. 13 Healthy subjects were instrumented with IMU sensors and retroreflective markers and performed 1) a static N-pose, 2) functional calibration movements, 3) single-plane tasks and 4) multi-joint tasks. Results showed the superiority of a functional calibration method to minimize errors in joint angle estimation for the wrist joint.
See the poster

12. Edoardo Del Bianco
Modular Robots for Unstructured Environments

Cycle 38
The activity concerns a PhD project in Industrial Innovation aiming to bring robotics for unstructured environments closer to its industrial deployment. Thanks to the introduction of modularity as a fundamental approach to the mechatronic design, it shall be provided an example of robots that can become a permanent asset for a company, deployable in various use-cases and easily repurposed to perform either dynamic motions or high force interaction and replace human operators in dangerous tasks.
See the poster

13. Dino Gasparotto
A Fluorescence-Based Technology To Identify Novel Therapeutics

Cycle 38
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are a class of proteins lacking a well-defined three-dimensional structure under physiological conditions; this peculiarity makes them challenging targets in drug discovery. We propose a fluorescent cell-based technology that will be used in a high-content screening and combined with a fragment-based library to detect modulations in the behavior and concentration of the IDP under study to find effective pharmacophores.
See the poster

14. Federico Rollo
Artifacts Mapping: Multi-Modal Semantic Mapping Extension of Geometric Maps

Cycle 38
This work deepens into the Multi-Modal Semantic Mapping problem focusing on the classification and localisation of objects within a map under construction (SLAM) or already built. To further explore this direction, we propose a framework that can autonomously map predefined objects in a known environment using a multi-modal sensor fusion approach (combining RGB and depth data from an RGB-D camera and a lidar). In this way, the robot can understand contextual information along with spatial ones.
See the poster