19/Apr/2023 15:30 - 16:30
Aula A107, Povo 1
Alumni DISI – esperienze di successo
Modera il prof. Claudio Sacchi, Delegato per gli Alumni al Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell’Informazione, Università di Trento
Gli ex studenti e studentesse di talento del DISI (Master e PhD) incontreranno il pubblico per condividere le esperienze avute nel corso della loro carriera e raccontare come il percorso formativo al DISI abbia contributo a fargli raggiungere una posizione lavorativa di successo.
Al termine delle presentazioni degli Alumni, il pubblico potrà fare domande e interagire con i relatori e le relatrici.
L’evento si svolge in lingua inglese.
I nostri Alumni

Andrea Pilzer is a Solutions Architect at NVIDIA AI Technology Centre Italy. His research interests are in Computer Vision and Machine Learning. In particular, applying Deep Learning to 3D Scene Understanding, Domain Adaptation, and Domain Generalization.
He obtained both his Master’s degree in Telecommunicationg Engineering and his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Trento.

Lucrezia Tosato graduated in Information and Communication Engineering at the University of Trento . She continued her studies in a Master’s double degree programme between University of Trento and Sorbonne Université in Information Engineering and Computer Science.
Currently, she is doing her PhD between Université Paris Cité and ONERA (The French Aerospace laboratory), working in the field of Visual Question Answering in Remote Sensing.

Davide Martintoni is a Senior Cyber Security Engineer at Collins Aerospace, working on cyber-security in the aerospace environment on Collins products and in EU funded projects, with a keen eye on regulations. He obtained the Master’s Degree in Computer Science at the University of Trento, focusing on cybersecurity and data analysis.