19/Apr/2023 15:30 - 17:30
Povo 1 and Povo 2
Open Labs @DISI
The Department opens the room of its educational laboratories for a visit addressed to our students.
The visit will last 1 hour and it will be possibile to book the following slots:
- Slot 1: from 3:30 till 4:30
- Slot 2: from 4:30 till 5:30
During each slot, you will have the opportunity to visit one of the following laboratories groups:
- Group A: FabLab; Electronics; Networking and Security; IoT Testbed
- Group B: IoT and Robotics; Sensing Technology; Multisensory Interactions
For further info about the laboratories, see https://www.disi.unitn.it/education/educational-laboratories
You can join the event only upon mandatory online registration.
The registration will be open from 11 till 17 April 2023.
NOTICE: only 20 people per slot are allowed in the laboratories, due to limited space and security reason.
When a slot is full, a waiting list will be open.
If you are registered and not able to join the visit anymore, please free your place to give people in the waiting list the opportunity to participate in the event.