20/Apr/2023 12:00 - 13:10
room A103, Povo 1 and on Zoom
DISI Master’s Degree Programs presentation
The Department offers a broad and diversified choice for graduate studies. Our main educational opportunities hinge on three Master Degrees
- Artificial Intelligence Systems (coordinator prof. Luigi Palopoli)
- Computer Science (coordinator prof. Enrico Blanzieri)
- Information Engineering (coordinator prof. Nicola Conci) NEW PROGRAM!
During the event, the coordinators will present the courses, exposing their defining features, their organisation and future job opportunities. The courses will give access to DISI research activities and DISI educational laboratories, where the students will have the opportunity to further deepen their knowledge with practical experience.
During the Q&A session the students can ask questions to clarify doubts.
12:00 – 12:05 Welcome by prof. Farid Melgani, Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
12:05 – 12:20 Presentation of Master Course in Artificial Intelligence Systems by prof. Luigi Palopoli
12:20 – 12:35 Presentation of Master Course in Computer Science by prof. Enrico Blanzieri
12:35 – 12:50 Presentation of the new Master Course in Information Engineering – by prof. Nicola Conci
12:50- 13:00 Information about call for applications – by Monica Berti (Mobility Office)
13:00 – 13:10 Q&A
Due to limited seats in the room, we invite you to register online
It is also possible to follow the presentation via Zoom. Mandatory online registration